Wednesday, July 27, 2011

just some thoughts.

i've been reading the blog at lately, as i try to really understand my own feelings about how i'd want to educate our son. i was, of course, homeschooled from first grade through high school, so i have a positive view of the whole institution, but i guess i still feel a little insecure about even thinking about trying it 5 years from now. one of the things that has always been a pet peeve of mine is people constantly worrying about homeschooled kids not being properly "socialized". which i guess has always fed into my insecurity about myself: "am i a weirdo because i didn't go to a public school?"

the blog ladies had this to say about this common criticism:

"If you have friends and family who are unfamiliar with homeschooling you may have heard this most annoying of questions, “But what about socialization?”

The goal of growing up is not to become socialized (what does that mean anyway?) but to have healthy relationships with people. People of all ages, not just your peer group."

which was immensely comforting to me, especially as i can remember looking at some of the kids in my high school youth group, and even a lot of the people at my college, and later into adulthood, and longing to be a part of the "group", but constantly being an outsider because i didn't fit into their mold. had i not been raised to have healthy relationships with others, i may have tried extra hard to fit myself into it, much to my detriment. fitting in and having a group, while these are what society says are healthy "social skills", are not what i would consider healthy relationships, and i think that my parents' decision to school my brother and me at home have helped me grow up into a person who can feel confident in my varied and diverse group of friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Lindsay dear, for putting into words something that defined my life experience all the way through college.

    It was exactly the same for me: part of me longed to be a part of the groups and cliques I encountered at church and theater and college, but there was a stronger part of me that wanted to be solely myself and sought out other individuals who were similarly minded.

    It felt lonely, when looking at those groups, but my long-standing relationships are beautiful & rich & varied.

    If I ever have children, I've always known that I'd want to homeschool them if I could. I wasn't "trapped" at home, but instead was free to direct my studies and interests and future. Freer, in many ways, than any public/private school attendee can ever be, as they are "trapped" by the structure set up by the school system & government.

    That structured freedom is something I would want my children to have, as well. Not to mention, the education system in the USA (well, a lot of countries) needs a lot of work.

    I like how your thoughts make me think. ;)
